This fundraiser is running until March 23, 2025
Thank you to all the athletes who participated in this fundraiser! You were able to make it a great success!
For those who participated, please keep an eye out for an email letting you know how much you earned towards your account.
In November and January, we will be working 2 Oil Kings games to sell Chuck A Puck Tickets along with selling game vouchers throughout the season.
We have 40 volunteer shifts to fill and 535 game ticket vouchers to sell.
Game dates are:
Monday, October 14 - 10am - approx. 2:00pm
Wednesday, November 13 - 5:00pm - approx. 9:00pm
Friday November 22 - 5:00pm - approx. 9:00pm
Wednesday, January 1st (New Years day) - 12:00pm - approx. 4:00pm
Participation Requirements: Every athlete must meet the following requirements to qualify for a share of the profits:
Members can earn multiple shares by selling multiple packs of ticket vouchers, or signing up for multiple volunteer shifts (if available).
Allocation of Funds: Athlete returns for this fundraiser will be calculated as follows:
Each Voucher sold: 0.1 shares
Each volunteer shift: 1 share
The total profit (the amounts earned from the chuck-a-puck sales less any unsold vouchers) will be divided among the number of shares earned cumulatively by the group and distributed according to how many shares each member accrued during the fundraising period.
** If we do not sell all our ticket vouchers, we will take that as a loss against our profit from the shifts worked. It is very important we sell them all. **
Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older to sell tickets for the 50/50, Chuck A Puck and Mystery Puck events, however, athletes under the age of 18 years may accompany an adult to help promote sales.
There are 3,000 more pucks for us to sell this year, so we are expected an estimated minimum return of at least $50/share owing we can sell all of our vouchers
We will be doing table sales again to aid in the sale of Vouchers!
Dates Available:
October 26 - Belmont Sobeys
November 2 & 3 - Emerald Hills Canadian Tire
November 9 - Belmont Sobeys
November 16th and 17th - Emerald Hills Canadian Tire
November 30 & December 1 - Holiday Dreams Christmas Market
4 hour shifts will be arranged on specified weekends. The first shift there will be responsible for set up and the second shift will be responsible for tear down.
Each shift will record the number of tickets sold and the tickets sales for that weekend will be divided equally amongst those who are working the shifts then given as a percentage of a share. (i.e.: if 30 tickets are sold and there are 6 shifts that weekend, each participant will be awarded 0.5 of a share).
Cash sales are preferred, but debit, credit, Apple pay, Google pay and Samsung pay will also be available. If you have someone come by the table who isn't interested in going to the games, no problem! Donations are also strongly suggested!
The DGPA will provide a table cloth, posters, poster stand, cashbox and float, square terminal, vouchers, DGPA shirts and Dreams pamphlets for each shift.
Details regarding picking up the tickets, cashbox and how to accept credit card payments will be sent a few days before your scheduled shift. Please bring your athlete with you! We have more success with sales and donations when the kids are showing that they are doing the work! It is highly encouraged to bring athletes in their Dreams attire to help gain attention to the table.
The link to sign up for table shifts can be found below in the list of Links once our weekends are confirmed.
October 14th Chuck A Puck - $730
November 13th Chuck A Puck - $1,170
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Once you are ready to buy vouchers to resell you can order them via the link above that says "Order Vouchers". You will choose a pick up date and can pick up your ordered vouchers from the front desk on the rec side (Dreams doors).
Vouchers are exchanged for tickets at the Rogers Place Box Office during regular business hours, or when the box office opens approx. 2 hrs before puck drop
The vouchers can be used for any seat in Rogers place with the exception of Club seating, Loge seats and suites.
No. You do not need to purchase a ticket to volunteer
Athletes are highly encouraged to accompany Chuck A Puck sellers and must come in dressed up in dreams gear. Please email us ahead of time at to confirm which athletes are coming with you. Please note that you will be responsible for the athletes you bring during your shift.
You do not need to purchase a ticket for your athlete unless they would like to take a break from selling and sit in a seat to watch the game.
No. Every ticket sold counts as .1 of a share. If you sell 13 vouchers, you will have earned 1.3 shares.
There are lots of available parking options around Rogers place. You can park connected to the building in the Stantec Parking lot, or use your favorite parking app to find nearby parking. LRT transportation is also available if you don't want to park downtown